Friday, September 20, 2013

Mirror Maze and Dark Rides together Offer a Small Wonder to the World

A few lines about science and technology: Socrates had once said “Man know thyself” and he was right. He lived between 469 and 399 BC. Socrates possibly wanted to inform the human beings about the vast possibilities that an innovative human mind could unfurl. It was a call to all his fellow beings to surrender to the wonders that knowledge and learning hold for them. And since then man has wanted to push the boundaries further and further so that he created new aims for himself and accomplished his target. Man began to rule this planet and dominated the way he looked at the world. It must be understood that all the gadgets that we have today are the result of amalgamation of the trials and errors of many scientists and researchers over the years. Actually one can’t help but marvel at the many inventions of the modern man. From the wheel which was invented by the human beings at the very outset of the civilization the robots and the computers and the mobile phones are examples of some of the inventions in the modern times.

Scientific progress is known as the accumulation of scientific knowledge. And the realm of science has often been identified for its progressive nature when it has been compared to art, religion and philosophy. It has been famously quoted by Maxwell that science can do as much good as it can do as much bad. But it can be said that on a comparative basis that science has done much more good than it has done bad to us. As early as in eighteen hundred and twenty one Michael Faraday
discovered electricity when a wire carrying an electric current is placed next to a single magnetic pole it will rotate. This resulted in the development of the electric motor. Later on he went ahead to create the very first generators. The branch of science and technology has grown in leaps and bounds. Arthur C. Clarke has mentioned this in some interview, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Albert Einstein has mentioned, “It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” And thus when some of the great people have already tagged technology to be one of the most influential factors in human life can we still pretend to be ignorant of the fact?

About mirror maze and dark rides: And we have not left behind technology far behind in the arena of entertainment. Mirror mazes and dark rides are fast gaining popularity in the western as well as in some parts of the oriental world. Since the nineteen seventies we have seen how the mazes are gaining ground as a part of the entertainment world. The mirrors and wooden fence panels have been set up in well known tourist spots of the world and they have acquired acceptance among the young old alike. Mirror mazes are the perfect family recreation that everybody in the family will enjoy. The mirror maze will introduce you to surprising twists and turns. As soon as you possibly feel that you are nearing the end of the maze you discover that you have a completely different set of maze to discover. Our mirror mazes are divided into different segments of activity like Puzzling Mazes, Scavenger Hunt where you look for a particular item in this section and the Trust Walk where you are led to walk through the maze with the help of a trustworthy friend.

Dark rides are often the star attraction of any amusement park. They are usually the theme rides which take the participant for a ride through a series of scenes and tableaux. There are often some stunts which are found on trips in dark rides. Dark rides are not necessarily meant to be dark. Dark rides are also known as haunted rides and spook house. There is something very spooky about dark rides what with the unknown fear factor adding to the adrenaline rush.

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